sabato 10 luglio 2010

Arduino + NXT: it's alive!

Yesterday I finally tested my way to have Arduino control a LEGO Mindstorms Intellingent Brick. The possibilities are endless, once a proof-of-concept is made. And this is what I did exactly.
First, I developed a voltage reader for NXT using the instructions provided in the book "Extreme NXT". It is not hard, the tricky part is to build the cable, at the end - and some soldering. Then, I used the same principle to read the output from an Arduino digital port, so that it was interpreted by the NXT brick and used to drive some sound.
Currently, the system recognized "high" and "low" voltage as an input "virtual touch" sensor. I'll make experiments to understand how far it is possible to go, but the road is open... :-)
As soon as I'll package a good sketch + NXT code, I'll post it for your convenience.
Stay tuned!

domenica 4 luglio 2010

Twitter Reader using Arduino without PC - Part III

I finalize the instructions and published them on Instructables!

Displaying Twitter feed without a PC! - More DIY How To Projects

Twitter Reader using Arduino without PC - Part II

Finally, I could finalize the project with a nice proof of concept (thanks to my wife who found a good box). This is what it is in a formula: Arduino + Ethernet Shield + LCD Display = Twitter LCD Reader! Practically speaking, you can use this object to read a public Twitter feed and display the last message on the LCD. It's plug-and-play, you just need to connect it to your home router (and select the RSS feed related to a Twitter account). Clearly, there's a lot more you can do, like making it completely wireless (with WiFi Shield and batteries, but the price will go up quite a lot), or read whatever RSS feed you like (with minor software modifications)...
Here is the final result, I'm going to prepare a full instructable and publish on the web soon...